Harvest time overview
Each strawberry variety has its own, characteristic harvest period
Every variety of strawberry has its own characteristic time of harvest. The times of harvest of our strawberry varieties can be found in the table below. This schedule will give an average harvest time. Specific conditions and influences of weather conditions can course a difference. Click on the name of the variety for additional information.
Our range of strawberry varieties offers a wide selection for almost every commercial grower. We have varieties for late as well as early crops, for optimal flavor, optimal yield, or even both.
Our strawberry varieties have also been included in a maturity time overview, where you can easily compare times of maturity.
For a number of years now, Vissers Aardbeiplanten BV has invested time and energy in a breeding programme in an attempt to find new varieties that are interesting for the commercial grower.
The best strawberry plants will not achieve their full potential without a good cultivation system.
Strawberry plants are susceptible to threat from various pests and diseases. A number of precautionary and protective measures are required in order to achieve maximum production.
Strawberry plants are classified as follows:
- Pre-basic material (PBM) - This plant is registered at the Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture (NAKT) and has been tested for the absence of viruses. The propagating material obtained from candidate plants is classified as BM.
- Basic material (BM 1, 2 or 3) - These plants are propagated in an aphid-proof greenhouse. The first generation of propagating material is BM1. As long as these plants are raised in an aphid-proof greenhouse, the stock they produce will be classified as BM2. The stock produce by BM2 will be classified as BM3 ans is propagated in an aphid-proof greenhouse. If the generation of BM1 or BM2 or BM3 is raised outdoors, in these circumstances BM5-plants are produced.
- BM4 - The generation BM1 or BM2 or BM3, which are propagated in greenhouses, are suitable for propagation.
- BM5 - The generation BM1, 2, 3 or 4 suitable for propagation
- Certified material (CM) - Propagating material, obtained from BM certified mother plants.
CAC - Non-certified production plants, therefore not suitable for propagation purposes. The reasons for certification not being granted may be the foreign origin of mother plants, proximity of production fields or a too high percentage of plants with deviating traits.
The text above is derived from the guidelines set up by the NAKT in the Netherlands.Outside the Netherlands apply the same classification less stringent growth conditions.
Short day strawberry varieties
Day neutral strawberry varieties