Strawberry plants for commercial growers
For many years, Vissers has been active in researching new varieties of strawberries that are interesting for commercial growers. This research has already borne some excellent fruits. Vissers currently offers its own varieties of strawberries, in addition to varieties developed elsewhere.
Our range of strawberry varieties offers a wide selection for almost every commercial grower. We have varieties for late as well as early crops, for optimal flavor, optimal yield, or even both.
Our strawberry varieties have also been included in a maturity time overview, where you can easily compare times of maturity.
For a number of years now, Vissers Aardbeiplanten BV has invested time and energy in a breeding programme in an attempt to find new varieties that are interesting for the commercial grower.
The best strawberry plants will not achieve their full potential without a good cultivation system.
Strawberry plants are susceptible to threat from various pests and diseases. A number of precautionary and protective measures are required in order to achieve maximum production.
Strawberry plants are classified as follows:
- Pre-basic material (PBM) - This plant is registered at the Netherlands Inspection Service for Horticulture (NAKT) and has been tested for the absence of viruses. The propagating material obtained from candidate plants is classified as BM.
- Basic material (BM 1, 2 or 3) - These plants are propagated in an aphid-proof greenhouse. The first generation of propagating material is BM1. As long as these plants are raised in an aphid-proof greenhouse, the stock they produce will be classified as BM2. The stock produce by BM2 will be classified as BM3 ans is propagated in an aphid-proof greenhouse. If the generation of BM1 or BM2 or BM3 is raised outdoors, in these circumstances BM5-plants are produced.
- BM4 - The generation BM1 or BM2 or BM3, which are propagated in greenhouses, are suitable for propagation.
- BM5 - The generation BM1, 2, 3 or 4 suitable for propagation
- Certified material (CM) - Propagating material, obtained from BM certified mother plants.
CAC - Non-certified production plants, therefore not suitable for propagation purposes. The reasons for certification not being granted may be the foreign origin of mother plants, proximity of production fields or a too high percentage of plants with deviating traits.
The text above is derived from the guidelines set up by the NAKT in the Netherlands.Outside the Netherlands apply the same classification less stringent growth conditions.
Short day strawberry varieties
Early varieties
Middlelate varieties
Late varieties

Berrylab, ItalyA really early strawberry!

Berrylab, ItalyA very early strawberry!

Hansabred GmbH&Co Kg, GermanyA really early strawberry!

PRI, NetherlandsLambada is a strawberry with a good taste.

New Fruits, ItalyA very early ripening and productive variety from Italy.

Cory® "P241102"*
Vissers America BV, NetherlandsCory® "P241102"*, a variety with beautiful fruits and high yield.

INRA, FranceGariguette, an old French breed with a very good taste.

Darbonne, FranceThe fruits of Daroyal* are beautiful, large, shiny and conically shaped.

Aldwinckle, Qurecky, Reich, Sanvord, United StatesA variety with a characteristic acid accent.

Universita Ancona, ItalyRomina* has strawberries with a beautiful fruit shape.

Darbonne, FranceDarselect* produces beautiful, tasty and firm fruits.

Gebr.Vissers , NetherlandsKimberly®*, a breed with excellent fruit qualities.

Vima® Zanta*
Vissers International BV, NetherlandsVima® Zanta* is a very healthy and consistently growing plant.

PRI, NetherlandsKorona strawberries, large and conical.

Gebr. Vissers, NetherlandsElianny* is a great strawberry with many great benefits.

Malling™ Centenary*
NIAB EMR, United KingdomMalling™ Centenary * provides solid, uniform and shiny fruits.

PRI, NetherlandsPolka strawberries, the real old-fashioned strawberry flavour.

Senga Sengana
Von Sengbusch, GermanyThe strawberry for industrial processing.

Hansabred GmbH&Co Kg, GermanyRenaissance*, the flavour strawberry of Hansabred.

New Fruits, ItalyAsia* is a mid-early variety from Italy.

PRI, NetherlandsElsanta has firm strawberries with a good taste.

Mieze Schindler
Schindler, GermanyMieze Schindler, world-renowned variety from former East Germany.

Philadelpia, United StatesAnanas, a strawberry with a different flavour.

Snow White*
Hansabred GmbH&Co Kg, GermanySnow White*, the beautiful white strawberry.

Hansabred GmbH&Co Kg, GermanyThe new strawberry for direct sale.

NIAB EMR, United KingdomElegance*, a strawberry with a beautiful appearance and good shelf life.

Berrylab, ItalyA late strawberry!

Mylnefield Research Services Ltd, United KingdomSymphony*, big, glossy and firm.

NIAB EMR, United KingdomFenella* is an English, mid-late variety with a good taste.

Vima® Tarda*
Vissers International BV, NetherlandsVima® Tarda*, the crossing of Vima® Zanta* and Vicoda.

NIAB EMR, United KingdomFlorence*, suitable for perennial crops.

Vissers America BV, NetherlandsFernando*, beautifully formed fruits and delicious.

Vima® Xima*
Vissers International BV, NetherlandsVima® Xima*, a variety with late ripening time.

Destiny® "P061105"*
Vissers America BV, NetherlandsDestiny® "P061105"*, the mid-late selection of Vissers America BV.

Peter Stoppel, GermanyMalwina* is a very late variety with a very good taste.
Day neutral strawberry varieties

Harmony® "P061103"*
Vissers America BV, NetherlandsHarmony® "P061103"* continues to produce under almost all-weather conditions.

UC Davis, United StatesPortola*, a variety with strong day-neutral aspects.

Vima® Rina*
Vissers International BV, NetherlandsVima® Rina*, a variety with distinction.

UC Davis, United StatesSelva, easy to cultivate.

Mara des Bois*
Marionnet, FranceMara des Bois*, a variety for lovers.

PRI, NetherlandsOstara, long flowering time.

UC Davis, United StatesCabrillo a variety with attractive strawberries!

UC Davis, United StatesDiamante* gives a high percentage of class 1 fruits.

UC Davis, United StatesAlbion*, the variety with a very pleasant taste.

San Andreas*
UC Davis, United StatesSan Andreas*, for a good and consistent production.

UC Davis, United StatesMonterey* is a variety with moderate day-neutrality.
*) These varieties are protected and may only be used for the production of fruits. illegal growing is prohibited, even if the plants are for private use.