b'Colletotrichum | COLLETOTRICHUM ACUTATUM Test centre Fruitteelt vzw pcfruitColletotrichum is a water-loving fungus species, which may strongly spread, especially at higher temperatures (20C is optimum). The fungus will spread from the soil through splashing water drops to fruit and crop. Consequently, preventive control should be carried out before rainfall. The first symptoms can be observed on the leaves. All three leaves will curl up. On the runners and leafstalks the attack can be observed in the form of ellipse shaped sunk small black spots. On the damaged fruit round sunk brownish black spots will appear. In an infected plant the fungus will spread. By observing utmost hygiene during activities in the fields quick spreading in the establishment can be avoided. If an infection should be established on a parcel, it should be worked or picked, as the case may be, at the end of the day.Wilt disease | VERTICILLIUM ALBO-ATRUMThe fungi of this vascular disease will penetrate into the plant through its roots or through its stolons. Damaged plants lag behind in growth, which manifests itself especially on hot, scanty days. The damaged plants will be slack then. In a later stage the plant will creep as it were into the soil and the fruits it will still bear are small and dry. Diseased leaves will discolour dull yellowish green.88'