b'plants are the strawberry mite and the two spotted spider mite; and 3) useful species, which feed on harmful mites. They are the so-called predatory mites. If there is no animal feed (read mites) available, they will live on pollen, fungi, etc.Strawberry mite - (Phytonemus pallidus spp. fragariae) - Strawberry mites are living exclusively on strawberries. They are very small (0.25 mm) and stay in curled up leaves in the centre of the plant. Looking through a magnifying glass they look like fine water droplets. However, they are moving! The adult females overwinter in sheltered places in the centre of the plant. If temperature rises about mid March, the mites move to the young leaves which are still folded. Subsequently, transparent eggs are laid in long lines along the vein of the leaf. The larvae which come out the eggs shed their skin e few times. After two or three weeks the adult mites appear. Mites can be observed in the folded young leave in the centre of the plant. This young leaf will shrink. The growing point of the plant will become dull and bluish green in color. The centre of the plant will turn brown. Attacked plants will produce short, stocky flower stems, which will not develop. Test centre Hoogstraten101'