b'such as albinism can develop. The plant first replenishes deficiencies by removing phosphate from the vacuole in the cell of the older parts. To increase availability, phosphate must therefore be applied close to the roots.Lack of phosphateExcess symptomsAn excess of phosphorus does not damage plant health.The absorption of iron and zinc is reduced, which can lead to a lack of iron and zinc and as a result shows these symptoms.PotassiumPotassium is the most abundant positive element in the plant cell, which plays an important role in various processes in the plant. It regulates the opening and closing of the stomata and thus the absorption of CO2 and it also regulates the water in the plant (osmotic pressure). It also activates enzymes that make the energy carrier ATP and is important in almost all steps of protein synthesis and thus directly determines plant growth and ensures the displacement of sugars in the plant. 111'